Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Eating Real Food

One of the lifestyle changes my family is making is the transition to eating what I'm (rather crudely) calling "real" food. This pretty much translates to food that is made by me from scratch. I'm trying my darndest not to use anything that comes out of a box, frozen package, or can. Of course, this is not set in stone. My kids still have boxed mac and cheese from time to time, and there are days when I'm out of time, so I use a jar of spaghetti sauce instead of making my own. These exceptions don't bother me. I'm not a "set in stone" person where nothing can be subject to exceptions. But I am happy that I am able to start making more food for my family from scratch. I love being able to control what I'm putting into the food. Since Derek and Owen are a little more self sufficient now I am able to start on dinner as early as I need to in order to get "real" food on my table. I am so excited! I do not have a recipe to post today because I am trying something new tonight. If it works I will post a Whole Wheat Goat Cheese Ravioli recipe for you all tomorrow. If it doesn't work, I will dig out an old standby for you :)

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