Sunday, February 10, 2013

No Weigh In February

I made a new goal for myself. I'm not going to weigh in or measure myself the entire month of February. I was starting to obsess a little bit over the numbers on the scale. My hubby reminded me over and over that I wasn't going to see a drastic change on a day to day basis, but what was depressing me was the yo yo effect. One day I'd step on the scale and be a pound lighter and think "victory! I lost a pound!" The next day I'd step on and "what? I gained two pounds??" Then, right when I was finally seeing a steady number (6 pounds below my starting weight by the way) I went up 3 pounds all of a sudden and have been stuck there for a week. Now, common sense tells me "Sarah, you are retaining water because its coming up on 'that time'." But my emotions tell me "look you gained three pounds you are failing." The last time I went through "that time" I gained 5 pounds that vanished the day after it was over. But even that logic wasn't helping me. So, I made a decision. No more weigh ins for the rest of th smooth. In fact, my next weigh in and measurement won't be until March 4th. I am excited to see what this brings. I'm really hoping it brings a lot less dependence on numbers on the scale and more confidence in the fact that I am working hard, and I will eventually see results. It didn't take two weeks to put on forty extra pounds, it won't take two weeks to take it off.

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