Friday, April 23, 2010

Biblical Parenting

My good friend sent me this information shortly after I posted about the Pearls' book. She is reading a book called Grace Based Parenting (I'm sorry I cannot for the life of me get my computer to italicize this.) by Dr. Tim Kimmel. Dr. Kimmel has a family ministry called Family Matters that seems to be pretty good. I will include a link below. Just in case anyone wants an alternative to the Pearls' horrible teaching!


  1. Thanks for the link. I'm heading over.

    God Bless

  2. Thanks for the link, I will check that out, I laughed when I read 'Pearls' horrible teachoing', I thought, you think so too huh? Haha

  3. Shell: I really wouldn't think it all that horrible if they didn't advocate for such extreme punishment for such minor offenses. There are other ways to train a child besides using physical punishment for every offense. I much prefer Dr. Dobson's use of spanking for major offenses. I spank Derek for direct disobedience within his boundaries. If I tell him not to touch the cable box and he does it anyway I will spank him for his disobedience. The main goal of a parent is to teach a child not to control him/her. The Pearls are all about controlling your child and while to a certain extent parents should have control over their children, I would not say that they need to be completely controlling of every aspect. I would never spank Derek for not playing with a toy I told him to play with. I would assume he doesn't want to play with that toy. He has that right. I would never spank him for bringing me his socks instead of his shoes, or refusing to eat food when he's not hungry. I would never spank him for crying if he needs something. And I would not spank him for doing something he didn't know was wrong. Spanking should be a last resort not a go to fix all. So, yeah I disagree with most of their parenting advice. You do not train a child like you train a dog. You teach a child. You teach them about God. About sin and their need for a Savior. YOu teach them about Jesus being that Savior and you extend to them the same grace that Jesus extends to us. All this so that they might come to know Christ and obey their parents not because they are afraid of a spanking, but because they want to glorify God.

  4. Gosh re reading that comment makes me sound really harsh. Sorry. I don't mean that to sound extrememly harsh, I know from reading your other comment that you largely agree with me about the book! Haha. Picture me with a smile while reading that. Maybe it will make not sound like a total mean witch! Sometimes that's the hard part about internet communication. You make a really good point then you sound like you're snotting off at someone! Sorry again!
