Saturday, April 14, 2012

What I would say if I could...

Dear sisters in Christ,
Oh how we failed this morning. It breaks my heart. Our purpose in meeting together is to enrich our souls, edify our walks with Christ, fellowship together, and learn from the Word. Today, I am sad at the way a sister was treated as she walked in the door this morning.

This morning, a new mother woke up exhausted from a very long night with an infant. She got herself ready to be at this conference early this morning. Her husband stayed up too late last night, so he woke up crabby. They had an argument. The baby woke up,crabby and cried all morning. She still came. And as she struggled to get her stroller in the door because women standing around her would not help her with the door, a coordinator appeared and scolded her for not wearing her name tag. She appeared at my breakfast table looking utterly defeated this morning. She was expecting to come here after a difficult morning and get her should fed and cared for and instead she was scolded about something has stupid as a name tag. If you think something so small can't cause someone to stumble, you are wrong. Sisters, we do not know what each woman coming into this conference this morning has endured. We need to extend grace and mercy towards each other. Let's do better for the rest of the day, ok?

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