Wednesday, April 11, 2012

30lbs.... Is it possible?

Ok, this is not turning into a weight loss blog or anything like that (cuz that's one of my pet peeves. I don't care that you just did 30 crunches!!) but, I am going to journal my way to shedding these 30lbs that have been hanging on to me the past, oh, 5 years or so. I am (thankfully) lighter now than I was when I got pregnant with Derek, but the pregnancies have left me... Different in the tummy area than I used to be. So, I am going back to the way I was when I got married. So, here we go. I've been walking 4 miles for 3 weeks, and carefully watching my calorie intake, making sure I don't take in more than what I need for Breastfeeding. I'm also using a system called ItWorks. Maybe some of you have heard of it before. Ok, I'm about to make a shameless advertising plug for my friend!! ItWorks has served me well so far. The best part of it are the Ultimate Body Applicators (wraps), the defining gel, and the Fat Fighters. Ok, the wraps you wear anywhere on your body for at least 45 minutes, and they help detoxify your fat cells and you actually lose inches!! It's pretty cool. The defining gel helps tighten and tone your skin, and the fat fighters are all natural botanical pills that you take after you eat to absorb some of the fat you consumed and prevent it from eing stored by your body. Now, before you say you can't lose weight with a body wrap, let me assure you, you're right. You can lose inches by allowing the wraps to shrink your fat cells, but you can't actually lose weight unless you diet and excersise. That's what I'm doing. ItWorks is a system to help. If you are at all interested in ItWorks, here's the website you need to go to:

Anyway, I'm already down 4lbs, so yay me! Here's to another 4 or 5 soon!

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