Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Wow, I have been delinquent on updating this thing. Part of it has to do with it being the most busy couple of months EVER! Oh my goodness! March was crazy with my sister in law's wedding. I spent the better part of the last few weeks in February and first few weeks of March praying that my bridesmaid dress would fit me. Luckily, it zipped up on the big day with just a few centimeters to spare!! Derek was in the wedding too! He was sooo stinking adorable in his little tie! He walked down the aisle without a fuss and spent the whole rest of the wedding hanging out quietly and contentedly with Mimi and Grandpa (my parents). What a great boy! Nathan officiated the wedding, and the pastor at the church they got married at kept calling him Reverend Metcalf. Every time I burst out laughing. It was just so strange to hear him called that! I cracked up during the ceremony when he said it. I couldn't help it! Anyway, moving on into April...

Owen has been growing nicely. I'm actually gaining weight with this pregnancy, albeit, not much. I've only gained 8 lbs. so far. Whew! I mean, I know weight gain is good, but I really don't want to have a ton to lose at the end. Speaking of the end, it's actually almost here. I can hardly believe that. Thank God this pregnancy has gone by fast. It's been a bit miserable, but I am thankful that it's almost time to meet my new little boy!

Okay, now I'm going to keep more updated and constant with the blog (don't I always say that?). I promise! :)


  1. What religion is a reverened?
    You only gained 8 lbs? Nice! I haven't gained much with this one either, thank God! I gained a lot with Aj and enough with Micah, so thats another indication, I'm thinking girl?! How much did you gain with Derek?

    Why has this pregnancy been miserable? Good thing it's almost done!

  2. Reverend is the official title for a licensed protestant pastor. :)

    I only gained 7 with Derek, so We are on the same track!
