Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pet Peeves

I want to play the pet peeves game again!!!! This time the category is Facebook pet peeves!

Here are a few of mine:
-People who "like" their own comments or statuses. LAME-O
-couples who use their statuses or each other's walls to talk about all the physical things they are going to do to each other (usually in hidden terms). YUCK-O
-CONSTANT game invites from people even after you've hidden one app they attack your feed with a new one. STOP IT!
-When you post something seemingly innocuous as your status and someone finds a way to argue with you about it. My wall, my post, LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT IT!

Ok, your turn!!!!!


  1. I suppose I should clarify that I welcome comments on FB, I just don't like it when people argue dogmatically about things that don't really matter.

  2. People lying about me on their status/wall or making veiled mean remarks (that might seem innocent unless you know the details of the situation). Yes, there is a particular person I am thinking of here and it's driving me crazy. She is, however, family so I can't get rid of her.
