Saturday, June 26, 2010

Scripture Memory for Babies??

Nathan and I were discussing the other day an idea that has been on my mind for a while. I started thinking about it months ago when I ran across a friend of mine's child, about 3 years old, who could sing every single word to a popular secular song that was on the radio. My friend (who is a Christian) was very proud of her child. There was a video that went viral not long ago of a toddler boy singing to Beyonce's "Single Ladies" (you know the one where he melts down when his father tells him "you're not a single lady buddy"). And these experiences got me thinking. If our two and three year olds can sing the words to the secular songs we hear on the radio in the car (I'll talk about my opinion on that in a minute) why do we think they are too young to start memorizing Scripture?

Here's the deal. If you want your young child(ren) to learn Scripture from a young age, the key is music!! So, turn off the GARBAGE that is on secular radio (trust me on this guys. There is nothing good on it anyway. Any of you heard Usher's "OMG"? Case and Point.) just turn it off. Why are we pumping our kids' heads full of this crap? Why are they learning the lyrics to "Single Ladies"? Good grief people! Have you ever listened to the lyrics of these songs yourself? I'll tell you what, there is no way my son is gonna hear this stuff at his age or any other age that I control what is listened to in the car. Yuck. Instead, find some Scripture memory program that puts Scripture to music. I grew up listening to G.T. and the Halo Express. It's a series of 7 CD's (now a days. Back then they were cassette tapes!) that have a story and verses set to music to go with the story. I hadn't listened to G.T in years (up until Christmas of last year) and I could still sing you the verses I learned listening to it. I want that for my son. I want my son to learn Scripture and hide it in his heart. I want my son to get to be an adult and still know all the Scripture he learned as a little child. I want to be the kind of parent that points him toward God this way. So it's settled. Who's with me on this? Let's abandon the music of the world and trade it for Christ Centered music. Let's pump our children full of Scripture so that they can grow up wielding the Word of God which is sharper than a double edged sword. And while we're at it, let's learn some Scripture ourselves.

Here are a couple resources if you are interested in helping your children memorize Scripture:
G.T. and the Halo Express-
Children Desiring God, Fighter Verse Program-


  1. So - good music for the car - not scripture, but based on it - anything by Sovereign Grace. They have 3 kids CDs out now. They're all great. And you're right about kids memorizing scripture. Arianna and Micah were saying verses for us tonight at out small group dinner. The kids can quote stories and songs - there's no reason to wait to put scripture into their little heads. :)

  2. Thanks Stephanie! Sovereign Grace has some of the best stuff out there! So awesome that they have kids' CD's out!

  3. I never thought about this. Thats a great idea. My problem is that I like to listen to music in the car driving and listening to kids music seems boring, but I know this would be better for them. I think time for my music is gone. Sad.

    Thanks for the great post and resources!

  4. Shell, it doesn't have to be kids' music all the time. Derek LOVES it when I bump out Lecrae (a Christian rapper) in the car. He wiggles and dances in his car seat (as much as he possibly can). We listen to Owl City too which although is not overtly Christian, Adam Young (the guy who is Owl City) is a Christian and often attends our church back in MN. Listen to praise and worship music or even a CCM band. All I'm advocating for is not filling our kids' heads with junk. We wouldn't fill their tummies with junk food, so let's not fill their heads with junk music. :)

  5. By the way, most kids' music (If You're Happy and You Know it, Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, etc.) is crap too. There's nothing of eternal value in any of those songs. It's just mindless babble and we are selling our children short by buying into the idea that they aren't smart enough to appreciate better music than that!

  6. That makes me feel better! haha
    I thought you meant that all seculr music was junk. I know it's not all bad, but there is a lot of crap!
