Friday, October 1, 2010

One More Rant...

Ok, maybe I'm the only one bothered by this but every tine I see someone suggesting that a child be drugged for no medical reason I freak out. For example: a friend's Facebook status this morning was asking for tips on a long car trip with two very small children. Most responses were decent enough but there's always that one person who says "Benadryl!" WHAT????? Ok seriously, I know my friend is smart enough not to do that but it really pisses me off. How bout we tranquilize you? Childrens' bodies are so tiny and at very young ages (under the age of four) their systems are still underdeveloped. This is why you can't give a child under 4 cold medicine. This is why Robitussin can't be given to children under age 6. The amount of medicine could literally poison a child. So that being said, don't medicate your children just to shut them up!!! How stupid and lazy can a parent be? You chose to have children and that means putting up with them on car trips if you choose to take them. Now let me clarify that I'm not against medication. I give Derek infant Tylenol (or whatever the knockoff is) when he is in pain. If your child has allergies and your doctor says its ok and gives you the correct dosage then by all means give your child Benadryl. Use medication for its intende2d purpose, not for a tranquilzer.

Ok. Rant over. Anyone out there agree with me? Or am I going nuts?


  1. he he . . . you're right . . . I'm not going to drug my kids to make them sleep. They sleep well enough on their own. I don't even think she would stand for a movie for very long. She'd rather just read a lot of books.

    I know my friend gave her daughter some Benedryl on a flight not too long ago, at the suggestion of her sister.

  2. I should rephrase that . . . I believe that she gave her daughter some. But she did use a ;) in her post, so she could have been joking about the whole thing!

  3. I guess I agree with you, but I defenetly don't want to drug my kids but when they are screaming and fussy and nothing is satisfying them, I feel very tempted too! haha
    I have some 'warm milk' for kids that is suposed to help them sleep better at night but it doesn't seem to work anyways.

    I agree with you on that I think it's dumb to give your kids something to knock them out for the car or plane ride. But, I have also given Aj some 'valarian root' for one of the airplane trips. It's suposed to calm you down or something. I think you don't mean homeopathics though.:)

  4. Shell, you're right. Homeopathics are a MUCH better choice. Mostly because they are all natural and aren't going to poison the child! Haha! Oh and it is tempting sometimes, I know. Like today for instance! Haha!
