Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sick?? (A bit of a vent)

I just had to add this, I know I already posted today, but this is my blog and there's no law that says you can't post twice in one day right? :)

On another blog I frequent (I won't say which one and no it's not listed on the side of my page) the writer posed the question: "How do you react when your kid tells you they are sick?" I was SHOCKED by the majority of parents saying that they would have very little sympathy on a sick kid. One parent responded with this little gem:

"I tell them to get going or they will miss the bus. But I am sick. You can be sick at school. Hookey is for when you are well."

WHAT????? Seriously parents??? When my Derek is sick we spend the day in our pajamas drinking juice and watching Baby Signing Time. It's one thing if your school age kid is faking because they have a test or something, but if you are a parent worth your weight in salt you will know if your kid is faking it. I simply cannot imagine EVER telling my kid to suck it up. If your kid is sick, he is SICK! Let him stay home! If for no other reason than not to infect MY kid!!!!!

What is up with parents expecting more out of our kids than we expect out of ourselves??????


  1. I HATE that practically every time we go to church, my kids get sick because another parent decided that it was fine to send their child to church sick. It's so annoying! I can imagine that school would be that much worse.

  2. Good point. Though I don't know if those parents would necessarily be expecting more out of their kids than they would expect from themselves. I don't think adults who are sick stay home as often as they should. Just because someone can make it through a work day sick, doesn't mean they should go in, but that's kind of what our society has pushed as the norm. Bummer for those who are showing up to work well and end up getting sick!
